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Template std.range.primitives.isInfinite

Returns true if R is an infinite input range. An infinite input range is an input range that has a statically-defined enumerated member called empty that is always false, for example:

struct MyInfiniteRange
    enum bool empty = false;


template isInfinite(R);


import std.range : Repeat;
static assert(!isInfinite!(int[]));
static assert( isInfinite!(Repeat!(int)));

Returns true if R offers a slicing operator with integral boundaries
that returns a forward range type.

For finite ranges, the result of opSlice must be of the same type as the
original range type. If the range defines opDollar, then it must support

For infinite ranges, when not using opDollar, the result of
opSlice must be the result of take or takeExactly on the
original range (they both return the same type for infinite ranges). However,
when using opDollar, the result of opSlice must be that of the
original range type.

The following code must compile for hasSlicing to be true:

R r = void;

static if(isInfinite!R) typeof(take(r, 1)) s = r[1 .. 2]; else { static assert(is(typeof(r[1 .. 2]) == R)); R s = r[1 .. 2]; }

s = r[1 .. 2];

static if(is(typeof(r[0 .. $]))) { static assert(is(typeof(r[0 .. $]) == R)); R t = r[0 .. $]; t = r[0 .. $];

static if(!isInfinite!R) { static assert(is(typeof(r[0 .. $ - 1]) == R)); R u = r[0 .. $ - 1]; u = r[0 .. $ - 1]; }


Andrei Alexandrescu, David Simcha, and Jonathan M Davis. Credit for some of the ideas in building this module goes to Leonardo Maffi.


Boost License 1.0.
