API documentation

Module Description
std.algorithm.comparison This is a submodule of std.algorithm. It contains generic comparison algorithms.
std.algorithm.iteration This is a submodule of std.algorithm. It contains generic iteration algorithms.
std.algorithm.mutation This is a submodule of std.algorithm. It contains generic mutation algorithms.
std.algorithm.searching This is a submodule of std.algorithm. It contains generic searching algorithms.
std.algorithm.setops This is a submodule of std.algorithm. It contains generic algorithms that implement set operations.
std.algorithm.sorting This is a submodule of std.algorithm. It contains generic sorting algorithms.
std.container.array This module provides an Array type with deterministic memory usage not reliant on the GC, as an alternative to the built-in arrays.
std.container.binaryheap This module provides a BinaryHeap adaptor that makes a binary heap out of any user-provided random-access range.
std.container.dlist This module implements a generic doubly-linked list container.
std.container.rbtree This module implements a red-black tree container.
std.container.slist This module implements a singly-linked list container.
std.container.util This module contains some common utilities used by containers.
std.digest.crc Cyclic Redundancy Check (32-bit) implementation.
std.digest.digest This module describes the digest APIs used in Phobos. All digests follow these APIs. Additionally, this module contains useful helper methods which can be used with every digest type.
std.digest.hmac This package implements the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) algorithm as defined in RFC2104. See also the corresponding Wikipedia article.
std.digest.md Computes MD5 hashes of arbitrary data. MD5 hashes are 16 byte quantities that are like a checksum or CRC, but are more robust.
std.digest.ripemd Computes RIPEMD-160 hashes of arbitrary data. RIPEMD-160 hashes are 20 byte quantities that are like a checksum or CRC, but are more robust.
std.digest.sha Computes SHA1 and SHA2 hashes of arbitrary data. SHA hashes are 20 to 64 byte quantities (depending on the SHA algorithm) that are like a checksum or CRC, but are more robust.
std.experimental.testing.attrs This module defines UDAs to be used on unit tests.
std.experimental.testing.gen_ut_main_mixin This module implements a template mixin containing a program to search a list of directories for all .d files therein, then writes a D program to run all unit tests in those files using std.experimental.testing. The program implemented by this mixin only writes out a D file that itself must be compiled and run.
std.experimental.testing.io IO related functions
std.experimental.testing.options Command-line options for running unittests.
std.experimental.testing.reflection Compile-time reflection to find unittests and properties specified via UDAs.
std.experimental.testing.runner This module implements functions to run the unittests with command-line options.
std.experimental.testing.should This module implements custom assertions via shouldXXX functions that throw exceptions containing information about why the assertion failed.
std.experimental.testing.testcase Implementations of TestCase child classes.
std.experimental.testing.testsuite This module implements TestSuite, an aggregator for TestCase objects to run all tests.
std.experimental.gen_ut_main Uses the genUtMain mixin to implement a runnable program. This module may be run by rdmd.
std.experimental.logger Implements logging facilities.
std.experimental.testing Advanced unit-testing.
std.net.curl Networking client functionality as provided by libcurl. The libcurl library must be installed on the system in order to use this module.
std.net.isemail Validates an email address according to RFCs 5321, 5322 and others.
std.range.interfaces This module is a submodule of std.range.
std.range.primitives This module is a submodule of std.range.
std.algorithm This package implements generic algorithms oriented towards the processing of sequences. Sequences processed by these functions define range-based interfaces. See also Reference on ranges and tutorial on ranges.
std.array Functions and types that manipulate built-in arrays and associative arrays.
std.ascii Functions which operate on ASCII characters.
std.base64 Support for Base64 encoding and decoding.
std.bigint Arbitrary-precision ('bignum') arithmetic.
std.bitmanip Bit-level manipulation facilities.
std.compiler Identify the compiler used and its various features.
std.complex This module contains the Complex type, which is used to represent complex numbers, along with related mathematical operations and functions.
std.concurrency This is a low-level messaging API upon which more structured or restrictive APIs may be built. The general idea is that every messageable entity is represented by a common handle type called a Tid, which allows messages to be sent to logical threads that are executing in both the current process and in external processes using the same interface. This is an important aspect of scalability because it allows the components of a program to be spread across available resources with few to no changes to the actual implementation.
std.concurrencybase The only purpose of this module is to do the static construction for std.concurrency, to eliminate cyclic construction errors.
std.container This module defines generic containers.
std.conv A one-stop shop for converting values from one type to another.
std.csv Implements functionality to read Comma Separated Values and its variants from a input range of dchar.
std.datetime Module containing Date/Time functionality.
std.demangle Demangle D mangled names.
std.encoding Classes and functions for handling and transcoding between various encodings.
std.exception This module defines functions related to exceptions and general error handling. It also defines functions intended to aid in unit testing.
std.file Utilities for manipulating files and scanning directories. Functions in this module handle files as a unit, e.g., read or write one file at a time. For opening files and manipulating them via handles refer to module std.stdio.
std.functional Functions that manipulate other functions.
std.getopt Processing of command line options.
std.json JavaScript Object Notation
std.math Contains the elementary mathematical functions (powers, roots, and trigonometric functions), and low-level floating-point operations. Mathematical special functions are available in std.mathspecial.
std.mathspecial Mathematical Special Functions
std.meta Templates to manipulate template argument lists (also known as type lists).
std.mmfile Read and write memory mapped files.
std.numeric This module is a port of a growing fragment of the numeric header in Alexander Stepanov's Standard Template Library, with a few additions.
std.outbuffer Serialize data to ubyte arrays.
std.parallelism std.parallelism implements high-level primitives for SMP parallelism. These include parallel foreach, parallel reduce, parallel eager map, pipelining and future/promise parallelism. std.parallelism is recommended when the same operation is to be executed in parallel on different data, or when a function is to be executed in a background thread and its result returned to a well-defined main thread. For communication between arbitrary threads, see std.concurrency.
std.path This module is used to manipulate path strings.
std.process Functions for starting and interacting with other processes, and for working with the current process' execution environment.
std.random Facilities for random number generation.
std.range This module defines the notion of a range. Ranges generalize the concept of arrays, lists, or anything that involves sequential access. This abstraction enables the same set of algorithms (see std.algorithm) to be used with a vast variety of different concrete types. For example, a linear search algorithm such as std.algorithm.find works not just for arrays, but for linked-lists, input files, incoming network data, etc.
std.regex Regular expressions are a commonly used method of pattern matching on strings, with regex being a catchy word for a pattern in this domain specific language. Typical problems usually solved by regular expressions include validation of user input and the ubiquitous find & replace in text processing utilities.
std.signals Signals and Slots are an implementation of the Observer Pattern. Essentially, when a Signal is emitted, a list of connected Observers (called slots) are called.
std.socket Socket primitives.
std.stdint D constrains integral types to specific sizes. But efficiency of different sizes varies from machine to machine, pointer sizes vary, and the maximum integer size varies. stdint offers a portable way of trading off size vs efficiency, in a manner compatible with the stdint.h definitions in C.
std.stdio Standard I/O functions that extend core.stdc.stdio. core.stdc.stdio is publically imported when importing std.stdio.
std.stdiobase The only purpose of this module is to do the static construction for std.stdio, to eliminate cyclic construction errors.
std.string String handling functions.
std.syserror Convert Win32 error code to string
std.system Information about the target operating system, environment, and CPU.
std.traits Templates which extract information about types and symbols at compile time.
std.typecons This module implements a variety of type constructors, i.e., templates that allow construction of new, useful general-purpose types.
std.typetuple This module was renamed to disambiguate the term tuple, use std.meta instead.

The std.uni module provides an implementation of fundamental Unicode algorithms and data structures. This doesn't include UTF encoding and decoding primitives, see std.utf.decode and std.utf.encode in std.utf for this functionality.

std.uri Encode and decode Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). URIs are used in internet transfer protocols. Valid URI characters consist of letters, digits, and the characters ;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'() Reserved URI characters are ;/?:@&=+$ Escape sequences consist of % followed by two hex digits.
std.utf Encode and decode UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 strings.
std.uuid A UUID, or Universally unique identifier, is intended to uniquely identify information in a distributed environment without significant central coordination. It can be used to tag objects with very short lifetimes, or to reliably identify very persistent objects across a network.
std.variant This module implements a discriminated union type (a.k.a. tagged union, algebraic type). Such types are useful for type-uniform binary interfaces, interfacing with scripting languages, and comfortable exploratory programming.
std.xml Warning: This module is considered out-dated and not up to Phobos' current standards. It will remain until we have a suitable replacement, but be aware that it will not remain long term.
std.zip Read/write data in the zip archive format. Makes use of the etc.c.zlib compression library.
std.zlib Compress/decompress data using the zlib library.
core.sync.barrier The barrier module provides a primitive for synchronizing the progress of a group of threads.
core.sync.condition The condition module provides a primitive for synchronized condition checking.
core.sync.config The config module contains utility routines and configuration information specific to this package.
core.sync.exception Define base class for synchronization exceptions.
core.sync.mutex The mutex module provides a primitive for maintaining mutually exclusive access.
core.sync.rwmutex The read/write mutex module provides a primitive for maintaining shared read access and mutually exclusive write access.
core.sync.semaphore The semaphore module provides a general use semaphore for synchronization.
core.atomic The atomic module provides basic support for lock-free concurrent programming.
core.attribute This module contains UDA's (User Defined Attributes) either used in the runtime or special UDA's recognized by compiler.
core.bitop This module contains a collection of bit-level operations.
core.checkedint This module implements integral arithmetic primitives that check for out-of-range results.
core.cpuid Identify the characteristics of the host CPU, providing information about cache sizes and assembly optimisation hints. This module is provided primarily for assembly language programmers.
core.demangle The demangle module converts mangled D symbols to a representation similar to what would have existed in code.
core.exception The exception module defines all system-level exceptions and provides a mechanism to alter system-level error handling.
core.math Builtin mathematical intrinsics
core.memory This module provides an interface to the garbage collector used by applications written in the D programming language. It allows the garbage collector in the runtime to be swapped without affecting binary compatibility of applications.
core.runtime The runtime module exposes information specific to the D runtime code.
core.simd Builtin SIMD intrinsics
core.thread The thread module provides support for thread creation and management.
core.time Module containing core time functionality, such as Duration (which represents a duration of time) or MonoTime (which represents a timestamp of the system's monotonic clock).
core.vararg The vararg module is intended to facilitate vararg manipulation in D. It should be interface compatible with the C module "stdarg," and the two modules may share a common implementation if possible (as is done here).
etc.c.odbc.sql Declarations for interfacing with the ODBC library.
etc.c.odbc.sqlext Declarations for interfacing with the ODBC library.
etc.c.odbc.sqltypes Declarations for interfacing with the ODBC library.
etc.c.odbc.sqlucode Declarations for interfacing with the ODBC library.
etc.c.curl This is an interface to the libcurl library.
object Forms the symbols available to all D programs. Includes Object, which is the root of the class object hierarchy. This module is implicitly imported.

Access to plattform libraries is supported by specific D header files.

D header files

Deprecated D header files.

D header files
