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The to family of functions converts a value from type Source to type Target. The source type is deduced and the target type must be specified, for example the expression to!int(42.0) converts the number 42 from double to int. The conversion is "safe", i.e., it checks for overflow; to!int(4.2e10) would throw the ConvOverflowException exception. Overflow checks are only inserted when necessary, e.g., to!double(42) does not do any checking because any int fits in a double.

Converting a value to its own type (useful mostly for generic code) simply returns its argument.


template to(T);


Function name Description


int a = 42;
auto b = to!int(a); // b is int with value 42
auto c = to!double(3.14); // c is double with value 3.14

Converting among numeric types is a safe way to cast them around.

Conversions from floating-point types to integral types allow loss of precision (the fractional part of a floating-point number). The conversion is truncating towards zero, the same way a cast would truncate. (To round a floating point value when casting to an integral, use roundTo.)


int a = 420;
auto b = to!long(a); // same as long b = a;
auto c = to!byte(a / 10); // fine, c = 42
auto d = to!byte(a); // throw ConvOverflowException
double e = 4.2e6;
auto f = to!int(e); // f == 4200000
e = -3.14;
auto g = to!uint(e); // fails: floating-to-integral negative overflow
e = 3.14;
auto h = to!uint(e); // h = 3
e = 3.99;
h = to!uint(a); // h = 3
e = -3.99;
f = to!int(a); // f = -3

Conversions from integral types to floating-point types always succeed, but might lose accuracy. The largest integers with a predecessor representable in floating-point format are 2^24-1 for float, 2^53-1 for double, and 2^64-1 for real (when real is 80-bit, e.g. on Intel machines).


int a = 16_777_215; // 2^24 - 1, largest proper integer representable as float
assert(to!int(to!float(a)) == a);
assert(to!int(to!float(-a)) == -a);
a += 2;
assert(to!int(to!float(a)) == a); // fails!

Conversions from string to numeric types differ from the C equivalents atoi() and atol() by checking for overflow and not allowing whitespace.

For conversion of strings to signed types, the grammar recognized is:

Integer: Sign UnsignedInteger UnsignedInteger

Sign: + -

For conversion to unsigned types, the grammar recognized is:

UnsignedInteger: DecimalDigit DecimalDigit UnsignedInteger

Converting an array to another array type works by converting each element in turn. Associative arrays can be converted to associative arrays as long as keys and values can in turn be converted.


int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
auto b = to!(float[])(a);
assert(b == [1.0f, 2, 3]);
string str = "1 2 3 4 5 6";
auto numbers = to!(double[])(split(str));
assert(numbers == [1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
int[string] c;
c["a"] = 1;
c["b"] = 2;
auto d = to!(double[wstring])(c);
assert(d["a"w] == 1 && d["b"w] == 2);

Conversions operate transitively, meaning that they work on arrays and associative arrays of any complexity:

int[string][double[int[]]] a;
auto b = to!(short[wstring][string[double[]]])(a);

This conversion works because to!short applies to an int, to!wstring applies to a string, to!string applies to a double, and to!(double[]) applies to an int[]. The conversion might throw an exception because to!short might fail the range check.

Entry point that dispatches to the appropriate conversion primitive. Client code normally calls to!TargetType(value) (and not some variant of toImpl).


Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, Shin Fujishiro, Adam D. Ruppe, Kenji Hara


Boost License 1.0.
