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Module std.meta

Templates to manipulate template argument lists (also known as type lists).

Some operations on alias sequences are built in to the language, such as TL[n] which gets the nth type from the alias sequence. TL[lwr .. upr] returns a new type list that is a slice of the old one.

Several templates in this module use or operate on eponymous templates that take a single argument and evaluate to a boolean constant. Such templates are referred to as template predicates.


Based on ideas in Table 3.1 from Modern C++ Design, Andrei Alexandrescu (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2001)


Name Description
allSatisfy Tests whether all given items satisfy a template predicate, i.e. evaluates to F!(T[0]) && F!(T[1]) && ... && F!(T[$ - 1]).
anySatisfy Tests whether any given items satisfy a template predicate, i.e. evaluates to F!(T[0]) || F!(T[1]) || ... || F!(T[$ - 1]).
DerivedToFront Returns the typetuple TList with the types sorted so that the most derived types come first.
Filter Filters an AliasSeq using a template predicate. Returns a AliasSeq of the elements which satisfy the predicate.
MostDerived Returns the type from TList that is the most derived from type T. If none are found, T is returned.
NoDuplicates Returns a typetuple created from TList with the all duplicate types removed.
Reverse Returns a typetuple created from TList with the order reversed.
staticMap Evaluates to AliasSeq!(F!(T[0]), F!(T[1]), ..., F!(T[$ - 1])).
templateAnd Combines several template predicates using logical AND, i.e. constructs a new predicate which evaluates to true for a given input T if and only if all of the passed predicates are true for T.
templateNot Negates the passed template predicate.
templateOr Combines several template predicates using logical OR, i.e. constructs a new predicate which evaluates to true for a given input T if and only at least one of the passed predicates is true for T.

Enum values

Name Type Description
staticIndexOf Returns the index of the first occurrence of type T in the sequence of zero or more types TList. If not found, -1 is returned.


Name Type Description
AliasSeq TList Creates a sequence of zero or more aliases. This is most commonly used as template parameters or arguments.
Erase GenericErase!(T,TList) Returns a typetuple created from TList with the first occurrence, if any, of T removed.
EraseAll GenericEraseAll!(T,TList) Returns a typetuple created from TList with the all occurrences, if any, of T removed.
IndexOf Kept for backwards compatibility
Replace GenericReplace!(T,U,TList) Returns a typetuple created from TList with the first occurrence of type T, if found, replaced with type U.
ReplaceAll GenericReplaceAll!(T,U,TList) Returns a typetuple created from TList with all occurrences of type T, if found, replaced with type U.


Walter Bright, David Nadlinger


Boost License 1.0.
